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Park Ridge Baseball Softball

Established 1950

About PR Baseball/Softball

Park Ridge Baseball/Softball (PRBS) has been providing the youth of Park Ridge fun and exciting competition for over 75 years.  The program is the baseball and softball provider of the Park Ridge Park District and is open to boys and girls of all abilities, ages 5-17.

PRBS’s purpose is to teach the boys and girls the correct way to play baseball/softball; provide role models; teach sportsmanship and other life lessons, which will benefit them in their lives.

PRBS Inc. is a nonprofit organization (501(C)(3), filing annual tax returns both federally and for the State of Illinois, and is audited regularly, as required by the State of Illinois.  PRBS is administrated by an all-volunteer group of residents, who serve as Directors.  Directors and coaches are not compensated for their service.  Directors provide their expertise to this recreational program by assembling and administering the coaching staffs and providing equipment and uniforms for our players.

The Park District provides the fields and maintenance for the program and PRBS contributes a per player head tax for these services.

Contact Us

Park Ridge Baseball / Softball

P.O. Box 1044, FAX: 847.770.4965
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

Email: [email protected]

Park Ridge Baseball / Softball

P.O. Box 1044, FAX: 847.770.4965
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

Email: [email protected]
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