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Park Ridge Baseball Softball

Established 1950

PR Baseball/Softball Rules


Park District Guidelines

No smoking or alcohol in any park 


Ball Type/Pitching Distance/Bat Barrel Diameter/Governing Body

Baseball Future Stars &Little Sluggers (5&6 yr olds) doesn’t exceed 2 ¼” / Little League Baseball

Baseball/ league ages 7-12 doesn't exceed 2 5/8 with USA stamp or a wooden bat 2 5/8 or less

Baseball / 54ft. to 60 ft. 6 in. / doesn’t exceed 2 5/8″ / Pony Baseball

Baseball / 60 ft. 6 in. / 2 5/8″ minus 3 ratio / National Federation of High Schools

All Youth Softball / all distances / doesn’t exceed 2 ¼” / American Softball Association

For exact and detailed specifications, please refer to the Governing Body Rule Book.


The following rules and regulations are applicable for all leagues and persons playing ball under the authority of Park Ridge Baseball, Inc. Exceptions or changes to these rules may be made only by a majority vote of the Park Ridge Baseball/Softball Board of Directors in formal session.

G1 The final authority in all situations that may arise within the program is the Park Ridge Baseball/Softball Board of Directors (hereafter known as the Board).

G2 All Players must participate in the league designated by the Board for their gender, age and skill level.

G2.1 ROSTERS: Only rostered players may participate in a game or practice. EXCEPTION: Approved call ups. See G13.2

G3 Managers and coaches serve in a voluntary capacity and are subject to the review of the Board. All managers must be approved by the Board before being awarded a team.

G4.1 BEHAVIOR: The behavior of all managers and coaches shall be governed by standards of good sportsmanship. All managers and coaches are required to agree to  the Managers/Coaches Code of Conduct.

Specifically, the following behavior is prohibited:

A. Profanity

B. Abusive language

C. Smoking during games and practices while on the field or bench area

D. Baiting of umpires

E. Fighting

F. Alcoholic beverages or any illegal substances

G. “Taunting” of opposition players

H. No rhythmic chanting. NOTE: It is permissible to cheer for your own team at any time., however, Rhythmic chanting is not allowed, if tasteful and is not during the pitcher’s delivery. It is OK for tasteful cheer to be in unison between innings, but at no time should any yelling occur while the pitcher is in his/her motion.

Violation of this code of conduct will be subject to Board imposed penalties as defined in Rule G20.1.

G4.1a Announcing batter’s nicknames is prohibited. 

G41.b Walk up music is prohibited over any PA system.

G4.2 Managers are responsible for the behavior of coaches, players, parents, and/or spectators cheering for their team.

G4.3 FIELD SET UP/TAKE DOWN: The home team shall be responsible for setting up the field, taking down the field, providing the official score sheet, and entering the umpire's name on the scoresheet.

The visiting team shall be responsible for inspecting the field for obvious hazards before the game, and raking and leveling the batters boxes and dragging the infield after the game.

The home team will occupy the 3rd base bench. If time is available, the visitors will get the field for 10 minutes starting 25 minutes prior to the published start time. The home team will get the field for 10 minutes, 15 minutes from the published start time. If there are less than 25 minutes before game time, the time shall be split evenly, with 5 minutes allocated for ground rules.

G5 Viewing of the game within ten feet of the rear of the backstop is not permitted, unless that is the location of the grandstands.

G6 Only the manager, or acting manager, may have a discussion with the umpire. Upon the first attempt by a coach to have a discussion with the umpire regarding the game, a warning will be issued to the coach and manager. Upon the second occurrence, said coach will be required to remain on the bench for the remainder of the game.

G7.1 SCORESHEET: Electronic scoring and reporting may be instituted on a Division basis

The responsibility for maintaining an accurate score sheet for each game rests with the two opposing managers. ALL rostered players must be listed on the score sheet. If a player is absent, the reason should be noted, if known. Any player arriving late or leaving early should be noted. Unless there is an agreed upon scorekeeper, each team will be responsible for the score sheet while in the field. The score must be verified by the managers after each half-inning. Any questions regarding the score should be reconciled at that time with the umpire serving as arbitrator. In case of a suspended game, the team in the lead (or home team if the score is tied) should retain the score sheet, pending resumption of play. Scorekeeper must note the count on the batter, position of any runners and number of outs, if applicable, on the back of the score sheet.

G7.2 The winning manager should retain the yellow copy of the score sheet and deliver the white copy to the location designated by the league president. The pink copy is retained by the manager of the losing team.


G8.1 Any player who, in the judgment of the umpire, throws a bat, helmet, or other piece of equipment in a spirit of anger or disgust, the umpire shall call time and warn both benches that any repeat offense will result in the ejection of the player involved. If in the umpire’s judgment the action warrants, the player may be ejected without any bench warning.

G8.2 Use of profanity or other objectionable language by a player may result in his/her ejection from the game at the discretion of the umpire. No prior warning is required.

G8.3 All players must be in the full uniform provided by the league to participate in a game. This includes socks &; hats/visors. Ankle socks are not to be worn. No modifications or cut sleeves on the jerseys will be allowed.

G9 A manager may not hold a player out of a game as a form of discipline without notifying and receiving the approval of the league president. This action should be considered as a last resort form of discipline.

G10 DUGOUT GUIDELINES: The bench areas are reserved for players, coaches, and managers. All players should be on the bench when not batting, in the field or warming up. Managers and coaches may NOT stand in front of the out of play fences, or in the field of play, unless they are coaching a base, except for designated coaches in Future Stars, etc. After two warnings from the umpire, the manager or coach will be asked to leave the field of play. NOTE: This is not to be considered as an official ejection, unless the manager or coach will not leave.


G11 The  prior approval of the appropriate league president is required to cancel and reschedule any game, for any reason, other than rainouts formally canceled by the League or games suspended by the umpire.

G12 Most rainouts will be rescheduled. If a game ends because of weather conditions, curfew, or darkness interferes with play so that the game is called by the umpire, it is a regulation game provided the league predicated number of full innings have been played (5 inning game needs 3 complete innings, 6 inning game needs 4 complete, and 7 inning game needs 5 complete innings).

Note: If the home team is ahead when the stoppage occurs, that inning will be deemed completed if it allows the game to be judged complete by rule. If play has gone beyond the predicated minimum and is called when the teams have not had an equal number of completed turns at bat, the score shall be the same as it was at the end of the last completed inning.

If a regulation game, including extra innings, is suspended due to weather conditions, curfew, darkness or time limits and the score is tied, the game shall be declared complete and a tie shall be recorded in the league standings.

Games not having played the predicate number of innings when suspended, will be completed at a later date, unless the league president determines the game is out of contention. Play and line ups are to be resumed exactly as they were when play was halted. On the rescheduled date, players who were not in attendance initially are eligible to play, if game is resumed prior to the start of the 4th inning (6 inning game) or 5th inning (7 inning game). Players who were in the line up, but are absent when the game is resumed are skipped in the batting order, with no penalty.


G13.1 A team shall play with 8 players. If a team cannot field a minimum of 8 rostered/ uniformed players after 15 minutes of scheduled game time, the umpire will declare a forfeit.   Leagues ages 8 & under can play with 7 players.

G13.2 If a manager anticipates he will not have nine (9) players at the next game, he/she can request the league president to call up two players. EVEN IF ADDITIONAL ROSTERED PLAYERS SHOW UP, the players called up MUST PLAY in the game like all rostered players, restricted to playing the outfield and batting last in the batting order. Violation of this rule will result in a forfeit. Every attempt should be made to obtain a player from the league president in advance. Using call ups without prior approval, may result in forfeit. The intent of this rule is to minimize forfeits, not necessarily to equalize the teams.

G14 Violation of any section of the applicable league’s pitching rules will result in forfeiture of the game in which it occurs. There is no time limitation applied to this rule. A formal protest need not be filed. The violation, when discovered, will result in immediate forfeiture.

G15 SLIDE RULE: On any close play at 2nd , 3rd, or home the runner must slide or avoid contact. NO COLLISIONS. Penalty: The runner is called out and the ball is dead. The player can be ejected if the act is ruled flagrant. Runners who affect the play by not sliding and making contact shall be called out. A collision that results from a feet first slide is legal.

G15a HEAD FIRST SLIDES: In all leagues, except Pony & Colt Boys, head first slides while progressing to a base are prohibited.  PENALTY: Runner is out.  Delayed Dead Ball.  Sliding head first back to a base is legal.


G17 Protective helmets must be worn by all players when batting, on deck or base running. Helmets are to be provided by the player, and not shared.

G18 Team formation and playoff format will be determined prior to each season by the appropriate league president. In drafted leagues, only the manager’s child or a players’ sibling will be placed on the team in the round designated by the League President. Coach’s children are not afforded assignment or protection.


G19.1 Protests will not be received or considered if it is based solely on a decision involving the accuracy of judgment on the part of an umpire. Examples of protest which will not be considered are:

A. Whether a batted ball was fair or foul.

B. Whether a base runner was safe or out.

C. Whether a pitched ball was a strike or a ball.

D. Whether a pitch was legal or illegal.

E. Whether a base runner did or did not touch a base.

F. Whether a base runner left base too soon on a caught fly ball.

G. Whether a fly ball was or was not caught legally.

H. Whether it was or was not an infield fly.

I. Whether there was or was not interference or obstruction.

J. Whether the field is fit to continue or resume play.

K. Whether there is sufficient light to continue play.

L. Any other matter involving only the accuracy of the umpire’s judgment.

G19.2 Protests may be lodged concerning matters of the following types:

A. Misinterpretation of a playing rule.

B. Failure of an umpire to apply the correct rule to a given situation.

C. Failure to impose the correct penalty for a given situation.

G19.3 For an official protest to be considered, the following procedures must be followed:

A. The manager must make notification of his/her intent to protest immediately before the next pitch to the umpire, scorekeeper and the opposing manager.

B. The offended manager must attempt to resolve the matter with the umpire and the opposing manager.

C. The scorekeeper must note the count on the batter, position of all runners, the inning, the number of outs, and the score.

D. The written protest must be delivered to the league president within 24 hours and contain the following information:

1. The date, time and place of the game.

2. The name(s) of the umpire(s) and scorekeeper.

3. The rule and section of the Official Rules or Park Ridge Rules under which the protest is made.

4. The umpire’s ruling and conditions surrounding the making of the ruling.

5. All essential facts involved in the matter protested.

G19.4 The decision made on a protested game must result in one of the following:

A. The protest is found invalid and the game score stands as played.

B. When a protest is allowed for misinterpretation of a playing rule, the game is replayed from the exact point at which the incorrect decision was made, with the decision corrected.

C. When a protest for ineligibility is allowed, the team shall forfeit the game being played or the game last played to the offended team.

G19.5 The league president or a designated Board member will be present, or on call, at all playoff games. A decision will be reached on the field, concerning any protest situation, by the league president or Board member after conferring with the umpire(s) and any such decision will be final.


G19.6 No inning can start on a school night after 7:30 pm/9:30 pm. This rule is applicable on lighted fields only (Hinkley and Kalina). League ages 10 and under have a hard stop at 7:45 pm and 9:45 pm. If the inning is incomplete, the score will revert back to the last complete inning, unless the home team is ahead at the time of the stoppage (Rule G12). Single games beginning at 7pm at Hinkley or Kalina will have the hard stop at 9:30 10 & under and no new inning after 9:30 for all others.

G20.0 IHSA ejection penalty “Any player, manager, or coach ejected from a game for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible to participate for the next game.”

G20.1 For violation of any rule, unless a penalty is specified, the normal penalty imposed by the Board will be one of the following:

A. A written warning to the individual involved.

B. Suspension of the individual involved for the next scheduled game(s).

C. Suspension of the individual involved for the remainder of the season.

However, the Board retains the right to impose any penalty which it might deem as appropriate to a specific set of circumstances.

G20.2 Penalty for violation of the appropriate league’s substitution rule will result in the following:

A. The player(s) involved shall start the next scheduled game and play no less than the minimum number of innings.

B. The manager shall be penalized per Rule 20.1.

G21 The following list of age requirements is used to determine the placement of youth participating in leagues governed by Park Ridge Baseball, Inc. League age is the players chronological age as of September 1st of that season. No player can participate in any concurrent baseball/softball program, except for school programs.

G 21.1 If a player is deemed to be unable to protect themselves in their age appropriate league, they can be placed in a lower league with the approval of the Commissioner, League President, and parent(s). All other variations to the age/placement requirements will be handled by the Board on an individual basis provided written request was made.

GIRLS ………………………………BOYS

Future Stars 5 and 6             Future Stars 5 and 6

Little Sluggers 6…….            Little Sluggers 6

Wildkit 7 and 8……..             Bobcat 7   

                                              Pinto (Wildcat  8)

Junior 9 and 10……..            Mustang (AA) 9 & 10

Pre teen 11 and 12               Bronco (CLASS AAA) 11 and 12    

Pony Girls 13 ,14, & 15         Pony 13 and 14

………………………..            Colt 15 – 16
.....................................         Palomino 17-18
......................................        Throbbed  19 & up

G21.2 Fees for each season are set by the Board. If there is a hardship situation that will not allow a child to participate, the Commissioner should be made aware of the situation, so a sponsor can be found.

G21.3  All donations to Park Ridge Baseball/Softball Inc., must be approved by the Board. Approved donations will be deposited by the Treasurer. The Board will have sole responsibility for its use. This includes sponsorship of specific teams.

No refunds will be made on Registration Fees after April 1st for the spring season, and August 1st for the fall season.

G22 Intentional Walks are prohibited, except in the last or extra inning, when the tying or winning run is on base. For a legal intentional walk, no pitches will be thrown, the batter will be awarded 1st base by the umpire. No intentional walks in any league that doesn’t keep standings.

PLAYING TIME -also see individual league rules

G23.1 If mathematically possible (11 players or more), all players in attendance must be out of the game defensively for at least one inning. Games ended by slaughter rule may be excepted. Penalty: Forfeit
G23.2  For any team that has an official roster of less than 12 players, and a regulation game is less than 7 innings , any player who is not removed from the fielding lineup, must be removed from the fielding lineup in the team's next contest.
G23.3  No player shall be on the bench a 2nd time, until all players have been on the bench once.  Exception :  A pitcher may delay their turn on the bench in order to complete their rotation (number of innings allowed per game).  They must sit in the next inning , once not pitching.

G24 Any team that continues to play after the PRBS season has ended, will not have any affiliation to PRBS. Any solicitations for funding for such play shall provide a disclaimer detailing same.

G25  House Divisions that participate in leagues with other communities will abide by rules of the League they are participating in.  EXCEPTIONS include Park District restrictions playing time and pitching rules.

G26 All Travel teams (Pistols & Warriors) play according to the rules of their respective leagues or tourneys.  EXCEPTION INCLUDE:   Park District restrictions.

G27 During any games, warm up swings can only be done in the diamonds on deck areas. At no time should bats be swung outside of the dugouts. The use of "hitting sticks," and other practice apparatus is prohibited during games.



Park Ridge Girls Softball is played according to rules established by Pony Softball for Girls. The following rules are established by Park Ridge Baseball, Inc. and supersede any established by Pony Baseball, Inc.


A regulation game will consist of 5 innings. No inning shall begin after 1 hour 30 minutes from the start of the game. All games will have a hard stop at 1 hour and 45 minutes.  See G12. Games tied at the end of regulation are judged as complete. No extra innings shall be played.


a. The bases will be 60 feet apart. The pitching rubber will be 30 feet from the back of home plate.

b. All catchers must wear mask, helmet, chest protector, and shin guards. The batter and all base runners must wear a batter’s helmet. All pitchers must wear a fielder’s face mask.

c. The ball used will be an 10″ RIF softball.


a. The batting order will be progressive with all players in attendance included. Players arriving after the start of the game will be put in at the bottom of the lineup. If a player arrives after the start of the 4th inning, she cannot enter the game. If a player leaves the game for any reason other than an injury/illness, she cannot return. All players must have batted twice in a game before conclusion. 

b. The defensive lineup will consist of ten (10) players. (4 outfielders in the grass)

c. No player shall be out of the game defensively for two consecutive innings. No bench player may enter the game defensively except to replace an injured player. All players must play at least 3 innings in the field. PENALTY: Refer to Rule G20.2. G23 If mathematically possible (11 players or more), all players in attendance must be out of the game defensively for at least one inning. Games ended by slaughter rule may be an exception. Penalty: Forfeit

d. All players not starting defensively must start in the field in the next game.

e. The strike zone will be the top of shoulders to the bottom of the knees.

f. No base on balls. See Rule 5 & 6. The catcher must wear her protective gear (including face mask) at all times.

g. A half inning is completed after 3 outs are made or 5 runs have scored, whichever occurs first.

h. A pitched ball out of the strike zone that hits a batter is a ball.

i. No infield fly rule.

The League president will determine when ( date )players will pitch during the season and how many innings are allowed. This will be determined by practice and ability of players each year. 

a. The umpire( if present) will rule on all aspects of the game. No walks.

b. The coach of the team at bat, must pitch underhand from the pitching rubber in an upright position. The pitch should be modified fast pitch (no arc).

c. The player pitcher shall stand parallel to the coach. The coach shall be considered part of the field on batted balls, and should never field a ball.

d. The ball will be put in play or the batter will be out if the count reaches strike three. Foul balls will continue the at bat.  

e. A player hit by pitch from a coach will continue at bat.

f. There are no warm up pitches for the coach.

g. The player/pitcher must wear a batting helmet with mask; or a fielder’s face mask.

6. PLAYER PITCH: MODIFIED FAST PITCH–NO ARC NECESSARY (When determined by the League President)

a. All rostered players are eligible to pitch.

b. The pitcher must start her motion with one foot on the pitching rubber and present the ball. If the pitcher does not start in this manner, the umpire shall declare no-pitch. The pitcher may step backwards to begin her windup. At no time may the pitcher leap toward the batter while pitching. She may drag her back foot away from the rubber while delivering the pitch.

c. Players may only pitch 3 innings per game. One pitch constitutes an inning pitched. A player removed from pitching may return to pitch one additional time. Each new appearance constitutes one inning.

d. Each player shall be allowed to pitch 6 innings per week, beginning Sunday.

e. No base on balls. After the count has reached ball 4, a coach from the batting team will pitch to the batter. See 6A Coach Pitch Rules


a. The strike count will continue.

b. The umpire will not call balls and strikes on pitches from the coach.

c. The ball will be put in play or the batter will be out if the count reaches strike three or the batter has received 3 pitches from the coach. The 3rd pitch from the coach is always strike 3, unless it is fouled off by the batter.

d. The coach must pitch underhand from the pitching rubber standing in an upright position.

e. A player hit by pitch from a coach will continue at bat.

f. The player pitcher shall stand parallel to the coach on his glove hand side wearing a batter’s helmet with mask; or a fielder’s face mask. The coach shall be considered part of the field on batted balls, and should never field a ball.

g. There are no warm up pitches for the coach.


a. No stealing.

b. No leadoffs. Runner must hold her base until the batter makes contact with the ball.

c. A play at any base, even if the play does not involve the lead runner, stops all base advances beyond the base the runner(s) occupied or was/were approaching. A base runner cannot advance on an overthrow at any base.


All players must be in fair territory (except the catcher) when the ball is pitched. No player can be closer to the batter than the pitcher (except the catcher).


If after 4 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is a head in the score by 10 or more runs OR if after 3 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 10 or more runs the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.


No standings will be kept in this league and no playoffs will occur. 


See PRBS General Rules G12



Park Ridge Girls Softball is played according to rules established by Pony Softball for Girls. The following rules are established by Park Ridge Baseball/Softball, Inc. and supersede any established by Pony Baseball, Inc.


A regulation game will consist of 6 innings.  No inning shall start after 1 hour 45 minutes.  The lit field curfew rule will supersede this rule.


a. The bases will be 60 feet apart. The pitching rubber will be 35 feet from the back of home plate. 30 feet for 3rd graders.

b. All catchers must wear mask, helmet, chest protector, and shin guards. The batter and all base runners must wear a batter’s helmet. All pitchers must wear a fielder’s face mask.

c. The ball used will be an 11″ RIF softball.


The batting order will be progressive with all players in attendance included. Players arriving after the start of the game will be put in at the bottom of the lineup. If a player arrives after the start of the 4th inning, she cannot enter the game. If a player leaves the game for any reason other than an injury/illness, she cannot return.

b. The defensive lineup will consist of 9 players.

c. No player shall be out of the game for two consecutive innings. No bench player may enter the game defensively during the inning, except for injury/illness. All players must play at least 3 innings in the field. PENALTY: Refer to Rule G20.2. G23 If mathematically possible (11 players or more), all players in attendance must be out of the game defensively for at least one inning. Games ended by slaughter rule may be an exception. Penalty: Forfeit

d. The strike zone will be the top of the shoulders to the bottom of the knees.

e. No bunting.

f. Walks exist (No Tee). A batter hit by a pitch out of the strike zone will be awarded first base. All rule book limitations apply. There is no limit on the number of foul balls hit.

g. A half inning is completed after 3 outs are made or 5 runs have scored, whichever occurs first. In the final or last declared inning (which will be determined and announced by the umpire), both teams can score unlimited runs until 3 outs are recorded. The final or last declared inning is not necessarily the 6th inning.


a. Stealing is governed by modified stealing rules as follows: Second and Third base may be stolen, but a runner may not advance from Third to Home unless the ball is put in play by the batter, or the runner on Third is forced Home by a walk or hit batter. A base runner may not steal Home or advance from Third to Home on a passed ball or wild pitch. Base runners on First or Second base may take only one base on a passed ball or wild pitch. Base runners can not advance beyond the base they were initially stealing in the case of a catcher or any other defensive player’s overthrow. A player may only steal one base per inning. Note: The modified stealing rules are designed to encourage the defensive team to make plays on base runners.

b. No leadoffs. Runner must hold her base until the batter makes contact with the ball.

c. A play shall be ruled as ended when a fielder makes play on a lead runner at second, third or home plate when the following occurs: the base runner is at the base OR approaching it when the ball reaches the base in question.

Note: 1. The fielder does not necessarily need to touch the ball.

2. No base runners may advance beyond the base they occupied or were approaching at the time the ball reaches the base of the lead runner.

3. When the play is made on the lead runner, if the ball goes out of play, there is no overthrow or out of play advance for the base runners.

4. A defensive team may concede a lead runner going to third or home (they score) and the next runner becomes the lead runner for purposes of this rule.

At no time should a base runner be forced to return to a base which she has passed at the time a play is made on a lead runner. Understand the spirit of this rule (to encourage the ball to be thrown to a base rather than the pitcher’s mound) and do not attempt to work around it. Umpires judgment on base awards is final.

d. The infield fly rule will not be enforced.


a. All rostered players are eligible to pitch.

b. The pitcher must start her motion with one foot on the pitching rubber and present the ball. If the pitcher does not start in this manner, the umpire shall declare no-pitch. The pitcher may step backwards to begin her windup. At no time may the pitcher leap toward the batter while pitching. She may drag her back foot away from the rubber while delivering the pitch.

c. Players may only pitch 3 innings per game. One pitch constitutes an inning pitched. A player removed from pitching may return to pitch one additional time. Each new appearance constitutes one inning.

d. A League Age 9 year old must pitch 1 complete inning per game. (3 outs in the same inning must be obtained while 9 year olds deliver the pitch. This requirement is satisfied if the 9 year old pitcher(s) have faced every batter in the opponent’s lineup in the same inning).
e.  Any pitch that bounces more than one time before arriving to home-plate shall be deemed an illegal pitch.  DELAYED DEAD BALL.  All plays on the pitch are live, with the exception of the pitch hitting the batter.  If the illegal pitch hits the batter, it will be an immediate dead ball, and it will count as a ball, not a hit by pitch.
f.  Any pitcher that hits a batter twice in the same inning shall be removed from pitching the remainder of the inning.  Any pitcher that hits 3 batters in a game, shall be removed from pitching for the remainder of the game.

If after 4 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 15 or more runs OR if after 3 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 15 or more runs the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.

If after 5 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 10 or more runs OR if after 4 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 10 or more runs the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.


See PRBS General Rules G12


a. All regular season rules apply.

b. Pitching: Same as regular season. 3 innings per game. 9 yr old rule applies.



Park Ridge Girls Softball is played according to rules established by Pony Softball for Girls. The following rules are established by Park Ridge Baseball/Softball, Inc. and supersede any established by Pony Baseball, Inc.


A regulation game will consist of 6 innings.  No inning shall start after 1 hour 45 minutes.  The lit field curfew rule will supersede this rule.


a. The bases will be 60 feet apart. The pitching rubber will be 40 feet from the back of home plate.

b. All catchers must wear mask, helmet, chest protector, and shin guards. The batter and all base runners must wear a batter’s helmet. All pitchers must wear a fielder’s face mask.

c. The ball used will be a 12″ hard ball.


a. The batting order will be progressive with all players in attendance included. Players arriving after the start of the game will be put in at the bottom of the lineup. If a player arrives after the start of the 4th inning, she cannot enter the game. If a player leaves the game for any reason other than an injury/illness, she cannot return.

b. The defensive lineup will consist of 9 players.

c. No player shall be out of the game for two consecutive innings. No bench player may enter the game defensively during the inning, except for injury. All players must play at least 3 innings in the field . PENALTY: Refer to Rule G20.2. G23 If mathematically possible (11 players or more), all players in attendance must be out of the game defensively for at least one inning. Games ended by slaughter rule may be an exception. Penalty: Forfeit

d. Bunting is allowed. Once the batter assumes the bunting position, she must either offer at the pitch or pull the bat out of the strike zone. SHE MAY NOT SLASH HIT. Penalty: Automatic Out/Dead ball.

e. The strike zone will be the armpits to the knees. There is no limit on foul balls hit.

f. A batter hit by a pitch out of the strike zone will be awarded first base. All rule book limitations apply.


a. No leadoffs. Runner must hold her base until the ball reaches the catcher’s glove or beyond or is grounded. Runners who leave the base early will be called out. Dead ball. Other runners and batter return.

b. Runners may steal home on a passed ball or wild pitch.

c. Stealing is permissible for the entire season.

d. No delayed steals. A runner must start her steal as soon as legally permissible. No steal is allowed on a missed return throw to the pitcher. A delayed steal is a delayed dead ball call. After the play is completed, the offended team may choose to let the result of the play stand, or have all runners return to the bases they started at when the pitch was made.

e. The dropped 3rd strike rule does not apply.


a. All rostered players are eligible to pitch.

b. The pitcher must start her motion with one foot on the pitching rubber and present the ball. If the pitcher does not start in this manner, the umpire shall declare no-pitch. The pitcher may step backwards to begin her windup. At no time may the pitcher leap toward the batter while pitching. She may drag her back foot away from the rubber while delivering the pitch.

c. Players may only pitch 3 innings per game. One pitch constitutes an inning pitched. A player removed from pitching may return to pitch one additional time. Each new appearance constitutes one inning.

d. Any pitcher, after hitting 3 batters, shall be removed, and not allowed to pitch the remainder of the game.


If after 5 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 10 or more runs OR if after 4 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 10 or more runs the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.



a. All regular season rules apply.

b. Pitching: Same as regular season. 3 innings per game.




Park Ridge Girls Softball is played according to rules established by Pony Softball for Girls. The following rules are established by Park Ridge Baseball/Softball, Inc. and supersede any established by Pony Baseball, Inc.


A regulation game will consist of 7 innings.


a. The bases will be 60 feet apart. The pitching rubber will be 43 feet from the back of home plate.

b. All catchers must wear mask, helmet, chest protector, and shin guards. The batter and all base runners must wear a batter’s helmet. All pitchers must wear a fielder’s face mask.

c. The ball used will be a 12″ hard ball.


a. The batting order will be progressive with all players in attendance included. Players arriving after the start of the game will be put in at the bottom of the lineup. If a player arrives after the start of the 5th inning, she cannot enter the game. If a player leaves the game for any reason other than an injury/illness, she cannot return.

b. The defensive lineup will consist of 9 players.

c. No player shall be out of the game for two consecutive innings. No bench player may enter the game defensively during the inning, except for injury. All players must play at least 3 innings in the field. PENALTY: Refer to Rule G20.2. G23 If mathematically possible (11 players or more), all players in attendance must be out of the game defensively for at least one inning. Games ended by slaughter rule may be an exception. Penalty: Forfeit

d. Bunting is allowed. Once the batter assumes the bunting position, she must either offer at the pitch or pull the bat out of the strike zone. SHE MAY NOT SLASH HIT. Penalty: Automatic Out/Dead ball.

e. The strike zone will be the armpits to the knees. There is no limit on foul balls hit.

f. A batter hit by a pitch out of the strike zone will be awarded first base. All rule book limitations apply.


There are no base running exceptions from the rule book.

No delayed steals. A runner must start her steal as soon as legally permissible.

The dropped 3rd strike rule does apply.


a. All rostered players are eligible to pitch.

b. The pitcher must start her motion with one foot on the pitching rubber and present the ball. If the pitcher does not start in this manner, the umpire shall declare no-pitch. The pitcher may step backwards to begin her windup. At no time may the pitcher leap toward the batter while pitching. She may drag her back foot away from the rubber while delivering the pitch.

c. Players may only pitch 4 innings per game. One pitch constitutes an inning pitched. A player removed from pitching may return to pitch one additional time. Each new appearance constitutes one inning.


If after 5 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 10 or more runs OR if after 4 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 10 or more runs the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.


See PRBS General Rules G12


a. All regular season rules apply.

b. Pitching: Same as regular season. 4 innings per game.




The Park Ridge Future Stars Baseball is played according to rules established by Little League Baseball, Inc. The following rules are established by Park Ridge Baseball/Softball, Inc. and supersede any established by Little League Baseball, Inc.


A regulation game will consist of 3 innings or 1 hour and 15 minutes, whichever occurs first.


a. The bases will be 50 feet apart. Second base will be 70’10″ from the back of home plate.

b. The pitching rubber will be 38 feet from the back of home plate.

c. All catchers must wear a chest protector, helmet and mask.

d. The pitcher must wear a batting helmet.

e. All players must be in full uniform: hat shirt, and long pants (no shorts allowed).

f. The ball used will be a 9″ RIF L1 baseball.

g.  All batters must wear a helmet with a facemask


a. Each player must be entered into the defensive lineup. Short Center, Right Center, and Left Center fields will be created so that all players have a position. This applies to the outfield only. Infielders must play regulation positions.

b. The batting order will be progressive with all players in attendance including those who arrive late. Players who arrive late will be placed at the end of the batting order. Only the batter may have a bat. NO OTHER PLAYER, MANAGER, OR COACH MAY SWING BATS ON THE SIDELINE.

c. The bat should make some contact with the ball. If the ball goes fair and only the tee has been hit, it will be ruled a foul ball. If the ball has been hit fair and the tee moves, it will be ruled a fair ball.

d. No bunting allowed. Batter must take a full swing.

e. A half inning is completed after all players in the lineup have batted once.

f. The batting order must be reversed in the 2nd and 3rd inning.

g. All batting is done off the tee. At no time should a ball be pitched in a game.


a. No infield fly rule.

b. No leadoffs. Runners may not leave their base until the ball has been hit.

c. No stealing.

d. Once the ball is in a fielder’s possession within the infield, play stops and no runner can advance past the base he/she occupies or was approaching.

e. Coaches can not touch the runner (e.g. physically holding the runner from proceeding or pushing the runner toward another base). The runner will be called out.

f. Any batter or runner who is put out by the opposing team MUST leave the base path and return to the bench. This age group must learn what an out is.


a. All players may pitch.

The pitcher must stand on the mound. When the umpire motions to the pitcher that the batter is ready, the pitcher must simulate a “pitching motion” to the plate. The batter must swing after the pitching motion is completed.

The pitcher must wear a batting helmet in the field.

Note: This League is for the express purpose of teaching baseball. Rules should be enforced that teach the game however, a positive attitude should be exhibited by coaches at all times. This league is NOT competitive; emphasis should be placed on sportsmanship and teaching the fundamentals of the game.

Back to Index of Rules


The Little Sluggers League is intended to accommodate 6 year old boys & girls too advanced for Future Stars and 7 year old boys not yet ready for the Pinto League.


The Park Ridge Little Sluggers Baseball is played according to rules established by Little League Baseball, Inc. The following rules are established by Park Ridge Baseball/Softball, Inc. and supersede any established by Little League Baseball, Inc.


A regulation game will consist of 4 innings or 1 hour and 30 minutes, whichever occurs first. No extra innings shall be played.


a. The bases will be 60 feet apart.

b. The pitching rubber will be 30 feet from the back of home plate.

c. All catchers must wear a chest protector, helmet, mask, and protective cup.

d. The pitcher must wear a batting helmet.

e. All players must be in full uniform: hat, shirt, and long pants (no shorts allowed).

f. The ball used will be a 9″ RIF L1.
g.  All batters must wear a helmet with a facemask


a. The batting order will be progressive with all players in attendance included. Players arriving after the start of the game will be put in at the bottom of the lineup. If a player arrives after the start of the 3rd inning, they cannot enter the game. If a player leaves the game for any reason other than an injury/illness, he cannot return. G23 If mathematically possible (11 players or more), all players in attendance must be out of the game defensively for at least one inning.

b. Each player will receive 3 pitches from their coach, The 4TH pitch from the coach is always strike 3, unless it is fouled off by the batter.  If the at bat results in a strike out, a batting tee will be placed at home plate. The batter will get 2 swings to put the ball in play; failure to do so will result in an out. At no time can the “pitching” coach interfere with the opposing team’s attempt to field the ball. When a batter is batting from the tee, the catcher must stay in position behind the plate, and the pitcher must stay on the pitching rubber. The “pitching” coach must be completely off of the field when the tee is used.

c. No bunting allowed. Batter must take a full swing. A less than full swing will be counted as an out.

d. No bases on balls.

e. The defensive lineup will consist of ALL players in attendance.  Players should be placed in tradition al positions, including left center and right center.  The infield should not be overcrowded with players.

f. Each player MUST play at least 3 innings. No bench player may enter the game defensively during the inning, except for an injury. PENALTY: Refer to Rule G20.2.

g. All players not starting defensively must start in the field in the next game.

h. A half inning is completed after players in the lineup have batted.


A ball hit by a batter off the tee is in play if it stays in fair territory. The following are some examples to note:

a. Any ball not put into play will result in an out.

b. If the ball goes fair or foul and only the tee has been hit, it will be ruled an out.

c. If any part of the ball has been hit and the tee moves, it will be ruled a fair or foul ball like any other batted ball.

d. A full swing must be taken, no bunting is allowed.


a. No infield fly rule.

b. No leadoffs. Runners may not leave their base until the ball has been hit.

c. No stealing.

d. A play shall be ruled as ended when a fielder makes a play on a runner at any base. Base runners may not advance beyond the base they occupied or were approaching if the ball goes out of play, there is no out of play advancement for the base runners.


a. All players may pitch.

b. The pitcher must stand on the mound on the glove side of the parent-pitcher.

c. The pitcher must wear a batting helmet in the field.


There is no slaughter rule for Little Sluggers.


There will be no standings or playoffs in this league.

Since game umpires are not used in this league, in the event a decision is in question, the manager of the batting team will be the final authority regarding in-game calls, including, but not limited to safe/out and fair/foul.



Park Ridge BOBCAT  Baseball is played according to rules established by Little League Baseball, Inc. The following rules are established by Park Ridge Baseball/Softball, Inc. and supersede any established by Little League Baseball, Inc.


A regulation game will consist of 5 innings. No inning shall start after 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES has past from the start of the game. The game will end at 1 Hour 45 Minutes, at any point in the contest.  No extra innings shall be played.


a. Bases will be 60 feet apart.

b. The pitching rubber will be 40 feet from the back of home plate.

c. All catchers must wear a protective cup.

d. The ball used will be a 9″ RIF 1 safety ball.


a. The batting order will be progressive with all players in attendance included. Players arriving after the start of the game will be put in at the bottom of the lineup. If a player arrives after the start of the 4th inning, he cannot enter the game. If a player leaves the game for any reason other than an injury/illness, he cannot return.

b. The defensive lineup will consist of 9 players.

c. No player shall be out of the game for two consecutive innings. No bench player may enter the game defensively during the inning, except for injury. All players must play at least 3 innings in the field. PENALTY: Refer to Rule G20.2. G23 If mathematically possible (11 players or more), all players in attendance must be out of the game defensively for at least one inning. Games ended by slaughter rule may be excepted. Penalty: Forfeit

d. All players not starting defensively must start in the field in the next game.

e. The strike zone is the top of the shoulders to the bottom of the knees.

f. NO BUNTING  Penalty: Automatic out.

g. A half inning is completed after 3 outs are made or all players in the lineup have batted, whichever occurs first.

h. A player hit by a pitch from a player will be awarded first base.

5. COACH PITCH ONLY RULES (1st part of season) 

The League president will determine when ( date )players will pitch the second half of the season. This will be determined by practice and ability of players each year. 
a.  Each player will receive 3 pitches from their coach, which are all strikes.  The count will continue if strike 3 is fouled off.

b.  If the the result of the at bat is a strikeout, a batting tee will be placed at home plate. The batter will get 1 swing to put the ball in play; failure to do so will result in an out. At no time can the “pitching” coach interfere with the opposing team’s attempt to field the ball. When a batter is batting from the tee, the catcher must stay in position behind the plate, and the pitcher must stay on the pitching rubber. The “pitching” coach must be completely off of the field when the tee is used.

6. COACH PITCH RULES – During player pitch portion of the season

a. The strike count will continue.

b. The umpire will not call balls and strikes on pitches from the coach. They will rule on check swings, etc.

c. The ball will be put in play or the batter will be out if the count reaches strike three or the batter has received 3 pitches from the coach.  The 3rd pitch from the coach is always strike 3, unless it is fouled off by the batter.

d. The coach must pitch overhand, from the pitching rubber standing in an upright position. 

e. A player hit by pitch from a coach will continue at bat.

f. The player pitcher shall stand parallel to the coach, even with the rubber,  on his glove hand side. The coach shall be considered part of the field on batted balls, and should never field a ball.

g. There are no warm up pitches for the coach.

h. At no time should an adult be on the field of play when a player is pitching.

7. PITCHING:  Pitching by players in 2nd 1/2 of season

a. All rostered players are eligible to pitch.

b. Each player shall be allowed 4 innings per week, beginning Sunday.

c. Delivery of a single pitch constitutes an inning pitched.

d. Pitchers are limited to no more than 2 innings per game, 1 game per day.

e. If a player has been reported to the official scorer as a pitcher and/or has assumed the pitcher’s position on the pitching rubber in game conditions and is subsequently removed for the pitching position, for any reason, he may not re enter the game as a pitcher.

f. A manager or his representative must change pitchers with the 2nd visit to the mound in the same inning (for the same player).

g. Pitching rules must be adhered to. (Refer to Rule G14)


a. No infield fly rule.

b. No leadoffs. Runner must hold his base until the ball is hit.

c. No stealing.

d. Batter may not advance to 1st base on a dropped 3rd strike.

e. A play shall be ruled as ended when a fielder makes play on a lead runner at second, third or home plate when the following occurs: the base runner is at the base OR approaching it when the ball reaches the base in question.

Note: 1. The fielder does not necessarily need to touch the ball.

2. No base runners may advance beyond the base they occupied or were approaching at the time the ball reaches the base of the lead runner.

3. When the play is made on the lead runner, if the ball goes out of play, there is no out of play advance for the base runners.

 4. A defensive team may concede a lead runner going to third or home (they score) and the next runner becomes the lead runner for purposes of this rule.

At no time should a base runner be forced to return to a base which he has passed at the time a play is made on a lead runner. Understand the spirit of this rule (to encourage the ball to be thrown to a base rather than the pitcher’s mound) and do not attempt to work around it. Umpires judgment on base awards is final..


If after 4 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 10 or more runs OR if after 3 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 10 or more runs, the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.


See PRBS General Rules G12


No playoffs in Bobcat


No standings will be kept in this league.



Park Ridge PINTO Baseball is played according to rules established by Little League Baseball, Inc. The following rules are established by Park Ridge Baseball/Softball, Inc. and supersede any established by Little League Baseball, Inc.


A regulation game will consist of 5 innings. No inning shall start after 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES has past from the start of the game. No extra innings shall be played.


a. Bases will be 60 feet apart.

b. The pitching rubber will be 42 feet from the back of home plate.

c. All catchers must wear a protective cup.

d. The ball used will be a 9″ RIF 5 safety ball.


a. The batting order will be progressive with all players in attendance included. Players arriving after the start of the game will be put in at the bottom of the lineup. If a player arrives after the start of the 4th inning, he cannot enter the game. If a player leaves the game for any reason other than an injury/illness, he cannot return.

b. The defensive lineup will consist of 9 players.

c. No player shall be out of the game for two consecutive innings. No bench player may enter the game defensively during the inning, except for injury. All players must play at least 3 innings in the field. PENALTY: Refer to Rule G20.2. G23 If mathematically possible (11 players or more), all players in attendance must be out of the game defensively for at least one inning. Games ended by slaughter rule may be exception. Penalty: Forfeit

d. All players not starting defensively must start in the field in the next game.

e. The strike zone is the top of the shoulders to the bottom of the knees.

f. No base on balls. After the count has reached ball 4, a coach from the batting team will pitch to the batter. See Rule 5

If a batter assumes a bunting position, he must either offer at the pitch or pull the bat out of the strike zone. HE MAY NOT SLASH HIT. This rule is intended for safety. Penalty: Automatic out.

g. A half inning is completed after 3 outs are made or all players in the lineup have batted, whichever occurs first.

h. A player hit by a pitch from a player will be awarded first base.


a. The strike count will continue.

b. The umpire will not call balls and strikes on pitches from the coach. They will rule on check swings, etc.

c. The ball will be put in play or the batter will be out if the count reaches strike three or the batter has received 3 pitches from the coach.  The 3rd pitch from the coach is always strike 3, unless it is fouled off by the batter.

d. The coach must pitch overhand, from the pitching rubber standing in an upright position.

e. A player hit by pitch from a coach will continue at bat.

f. The player pitcher shall stand parallel to the coach, even with the rubber,  on his glove hand side. The coach shall be considered part of the field on batted balls, and should never field a ball.

g. There are no warm up pitches for the coach.

h. At no time should an adult be on the field of play when a player is pitching.


a. No infield fly rule.

b. No leadoffs. Runner must hold his base until the ball is hit.

c. No stealing.

d. Batter may not advance to 1st base on a dropped 3rd strike.

e. A play shall be ruled as ended when a fielder makes play on a lead runner at second, third or home plate when the following occurs: the base runner is at the base OR approaching it when the ball reaches the base in question.

Note: 1. The fielder does not necessarily need to touch the ball.

2. No base runners may advance beyond the base they occupied or were approaching at the time the ball reaches the base of the lead runner.

3. When the play is made on the lead runner, if the ball goes out of play, there is no out of play advance for the base runners.

4. A defensive team may concede a lead runner going to third or home (they score) and the next runner becomes the lead runner for purposes of this rule.

At no time should a base runner be forced to return to a base which he has passed at the time a play is made on a lead runner. Understand the spirit of this rule (to encourage the ball to be thrown to a base rather than the pitcher’s mound) and do not attempt to work around it. Umpires judgment on base awards is final.


a. All rostered players are eligible to pitch.

b. Each player shall be allowed 5 innings per week, beginning Sunday.

c. Delivery of a single pitch constitutes an inning pitched.

d. Pitchers are limited to no more than 3 innings per game, 1 game per day.

e. If a player has been reported to the official scorer as a pitcher and/or has assumed the pitcher’s position on the pitching rubber in game conditions and is subsequently removed for the pitching position, for any reason, he may not re enter the game as a pitcher.

f. A manager or his representative must change pitchers with the 2nd visit to the mound in the same inning (for the same player).

g. Pitching rules must be adhered to. (Refer to Rule G14)

h. No more than 4 innings can be pitched by a player on consecutive days.


If after 3 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 15 or more runs OR if after 2 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 15 or more runs, the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.

If after 4 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 10 or more runs OR if after 3 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 10 or more runs, the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.


See PRBS General Rules G12


No playoffs will occur. 


No standings are kept in this league



Park Ridge AA Baseball is played according to rules established by Little League Baseball, Inc. The following rules are established by Park Ridge Baseball/Softball, Inc. and supersede any established by Little League Baseball, Inc.


A regulation game will consist of 6 innings.  No inning shall start after 1 hour 45 minutes.  The lit field curfew rule will supersede this rule.


a. Bases will be 60 feet apart.

b. The pitching rubber will be 46r feet (RUTH) AND 44 feet (GEHRIG)from the back of home plate.

c. All catchers must wear a protective cup.


a. The batting order will be progressive with all players in attendance included. Players arriving after the start of the game will be put in at the bottom of the lineup. If a player arrives after the start of the 4th inning, he cannot enter the game. If a player leaves the game for any reason other than an injury/illness, he cannot return.

b. The defensive lineup will consist of 9 players. A team may play with 8 players but no less.

c. No player shall be out of the game for two consecutive innings. No bench player may enter the game defensively during the inning, except for injury/illness. All players must play at least 3 innings in the field. PENALTY: Refer to Rule G20.2. G23 If mathematically possible (11 players or more), all players in attendance must be out of the game defensively for at least one inning. Games ended by slaughter rule may be excepted. Penalty: Forfeit

d. The strike zone is the top of the shoulder to bottom of the knees.

e. If a batter assumes a bunting position, he must either offer at the pitch or pull the bat out of the strike zone. HE MAY NOT SLASH HIT. This rule is intended for safety. Penalty: Automatic out.

f.  A half inning is completed after 3 outs are made or 5 runs have scored, whichever occurs first. In the final or last declared inning (which will be determined and announced by the umpire), both teams can score unlimited runs until 3 outs are recorded. The final or last declared inning is not necessarily the 6th inning.

5. BASE RUNNING:  AA 9/10 Year old Division  r & g

a.  A runner may steal after the pitched ball hits the ground or the catcher’s glove.  NO DELAYED STEALS ARE ALLOWED.  On any double steal, both runners must be going at the first opportunity to steal (ball hitting the ground or catcher’s glove.  A runner may steal 2nd or 3rd on a pick off attempt.  No stealing is allowed on a missed throw back to the pitcher.

b.  No stealing of home plate. All runs must be batted or walked in.  A runner stealing 2nd may continue to 3rd.  A runner that attempts to steal home is liable to be put out between 3rd and home.  If he reaches home safely, he will be placed on 3rd after play has ended.

c.  There is no continuing to 2nd after a walk.  If, in the umpire’s opinion, the runner leaves their base early; no pitch is declared and and the runner will be called out.

d.  EXCEPTION:  In the Gehrig Division, A runner may only steal one base per inning.


a. All rostered players are eligible to pitch.

b. Each player shall be allowed 6 innings per week, beginning Sunday.

c. Delivery of a single pitch constitutes an inning pitched.

d. Pitchers are limited to no more than 3 innings per game, 1 game per day.

e. The above section is for the protection of the boy’s arm and must be strictly adhered to. Prior to the start of the game the manager, upon request, will tell the opposing manager the number of innings his/her pitcher has remaining for the week.

f. A pitcher must be removed upon the 2nd charged conference in an inning.

g. A player once removed as a pitcher may not pitch again in that game.

h. No more than 4 innings can be pitched by a player on consecutive days.

If after 4 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 15 or more runs OR if after 3 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 15 or more runs, the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.

If after 5 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 10 or more runs OR if after 4 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 10 or more runs, the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.


See PRBS General Rules G12


A single elimination tournament will be held.


Standings will be kept in this league.

c. All regular season rules will apply, other than pitching.



Park Ridge AAA Baseball is played according to rules established by Little League Baseball, Inc. The following rules are established by Park Ridge Baseball/Softball, Inc. and supersede any established by Little League Baseball, Inc.


A regulation game will consist of 6 innings.  No inning shall start after 2 hours.  The lit field curfew rule will supersede this rule.


a. Bases will be 70 feet apart.

b. The pitching rubber will be 48 feet from the back of home plate.

c. All catchers must wear a protective cup.


a. The batting order will be submitted to the scorer or the opposing manager prior to the start of the game. If a player leaves the game for any reason other than an injury/illness, he cannot return.

b. The batting order will be progressive with all players in attendance included. Players arriving after the start of the game will be put in at the bottom of the lineup. If a player arrives after the start of the 4th inning, he cannot enter the game.

c. No player shall be out of the game for two consecutive innings. No bench player may enter the game defensively during the inning, except for injury. All players must play at least 3 innings in the field. PENALTY: Refer to Rule G20.2. G23 If mathematically possible (11 players or more), all players in attendance must be out of the game defensively for at least one inning. Games ended by slaughter rule may be exception. Penalty: Forfeit

d. If a batter assumes a bunting position, he must either offer at the pitch or pull the bat out of the strike zone. HE MAY NOT SLASH HIT. This rule is intended for safety. Penalty: Automatic out.


a. No Leadoffs.

b. No delayed steal. A runner must start his steal as soon as legally permissible, or when a return throw is missed by the pitcher or other intended fielder. A delayed steal is a delayed dead ball call. After the play is completed, the offended team may choose to let the result of the play stand, or have all runners return to the bases they started at when the pitch was made.

c. All runners must hold their base before the ball is pitched and can leave only after the pitched ball has reached the catcher’s position or is grounded. If runner leaves early, runner is out. Dead Ball. Other runners and batter return.

d. Once the ball is returned to the pitcher within 6 feet of the rubber, all runners not in motion must return to their base.

e. A runner on 3rd base may try to score if:

(1) There is a passed ball or wild pitch.

(2) The catcher throws to any base.

(3) The catcher over throws the pitcher.


a. All rostered players are eligible to pitch.

b. Each player shall be allowed 6 innings per week, beginning Sunday.

c. Delivery of a single pitch constitutes an inning pitched.

d. No player can pitch more than 3 innings in a game. 1 game per day. No more than 4 innings can be pitched by a player on consecutive days.

e. The above section is for the protection of the boy’s arm and must be strictly adhered to. Prior to the start of the game the manager, upon request, shall tell the opposing manager the number of innings his pitcher has remaining for the week.

f. A pitcher must be removed upon the 2nd charged conference in an inning.

g. A player once removed as a pitcher may not pitch again in that game.

h. Innings pitched in an incomplete game are still counted as innings pitched for that week. If that game is resumed in a different week that pitcher may pitch in as many innings as he is eligible for in the new week, but no more than 4 for the game. All rest requirements still apply.


If after 4 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 15 or more runs OR if after 3 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 15 or more runs, the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.

If after 5 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 10 or more runs OR if after 4 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 10 or more runs, the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.


See PRBS General Rules G12


A single elimination tournament will be held.
All regular season rules will apply.

Standings will be kept in this league.

RULES FOR THE PONY BOYS (Participating in CSYBA League)

Click here for csyba rules


Park Ridge Pony Baseball is played according to rules established by Pony Baseball, Inc. The following rules are established by Park Ridge Baseball/Softball, Inc. and supersede any established by Pony Baseball, Inc.


A regulation game will consist of 7 innings.


a. Bases will be 80 feet apart. The pitching rubber will be 54 feet from the back of home plate.

b. All catchers must wear a protective cup.

c. CSYBA Bat Rule:  "The ONLY bats allowed for use are USA Baseball Stamped bats, BBCOR Bats, and all Wood Bats, including Composite Wood. Bats that are marked with a USSSA Stamp and 1.15 BPF are NOT ALLOWED."


a. The batting order will be submitted to the scorer or the opposing manager prior to the start of the game. If a player leaves the game for any reason other than an injury/illness, he cannot return.

The batting order will be progressive with all players in attendance included. Players arriving after the start of the game will be put in at the bottom of the lineup. If a player arrives after the start of the 5th inning, he cannot enter the game.

c. No player shall be out of the game for two consecutive innings. No bench player may enter the game defensively during the inning, except for injury. All players must play at least 4 innings in the field. PENALTY: Refer to Rule G20.2. G23 If mathematically possible (11 players or more), all players in attendance must be out of the game defensively for at least one inning. Games ended by slaughter rule may be excepted. Penalty: Forfeit


There are no base running restrictions in this league.


a. All rostered players are eligible to pitch.

b. Each player shall be allowed 7 innings per week, beginning Sunday.

c. Each player can pitch a maximum 4 innings per game, one game per day. NO PLAYER CAN PITCH MORE THAN A TOTAL OF 7 INNINGS ON CONSECUTIVE DAYS.

d. Delivery of a single pitch constitutes an inning pitched.

e. The above section is for the protection of the boy’s arm and must be strictly adhered to. Prior to the start of the game the manager, upon request, shall tell the opposing manager the number of innings his pitcher has remaining for the week.

f. A pitcher must be removed upon the 2nd charged conference in an inning.

g. A player once removed as a pitcher may not pitch again in that game.

h. Balks will be called on the pitchers. 1 warning per pitcher without penalty.

i. In the event that a 4th game is to be played in a calendar week, pitchers will be allowed 4 additional innings in the 4th game played that week only. All rest requirements still apply.


If after 4 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 15 or more runs OR if after 3 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 15 or more runs, the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.

If after 5 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 10 or more runs OR if after 4 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 10 or more runs, the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.


See PRBS General Rules G12


a. Each series starts fresh. Each player is allowed to pitch a combined total of 7 innings per series.

b. Each player may pitch no more than 4 innings in one game.

c. All regular season rules will apply.


RULES FOR THE COLT BOYS  (Participating in CSYBA League)


Park Ridge Colt Baseball is played according to rules established by Major League Baseball, Inc. The following rules are established by Park Ridge Baseball/Softball, Inc. and supersede any established by Major league Baseball, Inc.


A regulation game will consist of 7 innings.


a. Bases will be 90 feet apart. The pitching rubber will be 60′ 6″ from the back of home plate.

b. All catchers must wear a protective cup.

c. CSYBA Bat Rule:  Aluminum bats must be BBCOR certified and labeled. Wood bats are also allowed with no restriction on wood type or difference in length to weight.


a. The batting order will be submitted to the scorer or the opposing manager prior to the start of the game. If a player leaves the game for any reason other than an injury/illness, he cannot return.

b. The batting order will be progressive with all players in attendance included. Players arriving after the start of the game will be put in at the bottom of the lineup. If a player arrives after the start of the 5th inning, he cannot enter the game.

c. No player shall be out of the game for two consecutive innings. No bench player may enter the game defensively during the inning, except for injury. All players must play at least 3 innings in the field. PENALTY: Refer to Rule G20.2. G23 If mathematically possible (11 players or more), all players in attendance must be out of the game defensively for at least one inning. Games ended by slaughter rule may be excepted. Penalty: Forfeit


There are no base running restrictions in this league.


a. All rostered players are eligible to pitch.

b. Each player shall be allowed 7 innings per week, beginning Sunday.

c. Each player can pitch a maximum 4 innings per game, one game per day. NO PLAYER CAN PITCH MORE THAN A TOTAL OF 7 INNINGS ON CONSECUTIVE DAYS.

d. Delivery of a single pitch constitutes an inning pitched.

e. The above section is for the protection of the boy’s arm and must be strictly adhered to. Prior to the start of the game the manager, upon request, shall tell the opposing manager the number of innings his pitcher has remaining for the week.

f. A pitcher must be removed upon the 2nd charged conference in an inning.

g. A player once removed as a pitcher may not pitch again in that game.

h. Balks will be called on the pitchers.

i. In the event that a 4th game is to be played in a calendar week, pitchers will be allowed 4 additional innings in the 4th game played that week only. All rest requirements still apply.


If after 5 complete innings the visiting (batting first) team is ahead in the score by 10 or more runs OR if after 4 and 1/2 innings the home (batting last) team is ahead by 10 or more runs, the game will be declared over and the leading team the winner.


See PRBS General Rules G12


a. Each series starts fresh. Each player is allowed to pitch a combined total of 7 innings per series.

b. Each player may pitch no more than 4 innings in one game.

c. All regular season rules will apply.



#1 HINKLEY (N.W. Hwy and Morris)

End poles of the backstop to the fence on each baseline. End of the fence directly to the front edge of the light poles. The out of play line then extends from pole to pole. All areas beyond the second light pole is in play.

#2 HINKLEY (Busse Hwy. Large Field)

End Poles of the backstop to the fence on each baseline. End of the fence directly to the front edge of the light poles. The out of play line then extends from pole to pole. All area beyond the second light pole is in play.

#3 HINKLEY (Busse Hwy. Small Field)

End poles of the backstop to the fence on each baseline. End of the fence directly to the line inside of the light poles and extending parallel with the foul lines. A batted ball bouncing over the outfield fence is a ground rule double. A batted fair ball that goes beyond the outfield fence in foul territory is a ground rule triple.

#4A CENTENNIAL PARK (Western & Crescent)

End Poles of the backstop to the far end of the player’s bench (All of bench is out of play). The end of the bench parallel with the foul lines.

#4B CENTENNIAL PARK (Western & Crescent)

End Poles of the backstop to the far end of the player’s bench (All of bench is out of play). The end of the bench parallel with the foul lines. Any batted or thrown ball that goes into the street is out of play. Umpire’s judgment will be used for base awards in that situation.

#4C CENTENNIAL PARK (Western & Crescent)

End of the player’s safety fence extended parallel with foul lines is out of play. Any batted or thrown ball that goes into the street is out of play. A batted ball making contact with the trees near home plate, will be deemed out of play.

#4D CENTENNIAL PARK (Western & Crescent)

End Poles of the backstop to the far end of the player’s bench (All of bench is out of play). The end of the bench parallel with the foul lines.

#5A LINCOLN SCHOOL (Western & Crescent)

End poles of the backstop to the far end of the player’s bench (All of bench is out of play). The end of the bench parallel with the foul lines. Any batted or thrown ball that goes into a street is out of play.

#5B LINCOLN SCHOOL (Lincoln Street side)

End of the player’s safety fence extended parallel with foul lines is out of play. Any batted or thrown ball that goes into the street is out of play.. A batted ball making contact with the trees near home plate, will be deemed out of play.

#6 BRICKTON PARK (Peterson & Brophy)

End poles of the backstop to the far end of the player’s bench (all of bench is out of play). The end of the bench extended parallel with the foul lines is also out of play.

#7 NORTHWEST PARK (N. W. Hwy. & Dee Road Big field)

End poles of the backstop extended on a parallel line with the foul lines. All dugout areas, on deck areas, and trees will be deemed out of play when the umpires sense any danger for the fielders.

#8 SOUTHWEST PARK (Western & Granville Big field)

End poles of the backstop to the far end of the player’s bench (All of bench is out of play). End of the bench extended parallel with the foul lines.

#9 SOUTHWEST PARK (Western & Granville Small field)

End poles of the backstop to the far end of the player’s bench (All of bench is out of play). The end of the bench extended parallel with the foul lines.

#10 JAYCEE PARK (Washington & Granville)

End poles of the backstop to the far end of the player’s bench (All of bench is out of play). The end of the bench extended parallel with the foul lines.

#11 MAINE PARK (Sibley & Forestview)

End of the player’s safety fence extended parallel with foul lines will be out of play. The evergreen trees in right field are in play. A ball hit over the fence in center field is a home run. A ball that bounces over this fence is a ground rule double. Any ball that carries into the parking lot in center field will be out of play, with the batter awarded a home run.

#12A NORTHWEST PARK (N.W. Hwy. & Dee Road – Small field)

End of the player’s safety fence extended parallel with foul lines is out of play. Any batted or thrown ball that goes into the street is out of play. Umpire’s judgment will be used for base awards in that situation. A batted ball making contact with the trees near home plate, will be deemed out of play.

#12B NORTHWEST PARK (N.W. Hwy. & Dee Road – Small field)

End of the player’s safety fence extended parallel with foul lines is out of play. A batted ball making contact with the trees near home plate, will be deemed out of play.

#13 FRANKLIN SCHOOL (Dee Road & Manor – near the tennis courts)

End of the player’s safety fence extended parallel with foul lines is out of play. A batted ball making contact with the trees down the left field line will be out of play.

#14 JAYCEE PARK (Washington & Granville) Small Field

End poles of the backstop to the far end of the player’s bench (All of bench is out of play). The end of the bench extended parallel with the foul lines

#15 KALINA FIELD (SOUTH PARK) Devon & Talcott

Dugout fence line on each side parallel to the outfield fence is out of play. Over the fence is a home-run (bounce ground-rule double)

#16 Carpenter School Elm & Hamlin

End poles of the backstop to the far end of the player’s bench (All of bench is out of play). The end of the bench extended parallel with the foul lines



Maine South High School 1111 S. Dee Rd.

Maine East High School Dempster & Potter

South Park Devon & Talcott

Emerson Middle School Oakton & Cumberland


Contact Us

Park Ridge Baseball / Softball

P.O. Box 1044, FAX: 847.770.4965
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

Email: [email protected]

Park Ridge Baseball / Softball

P.O. Box 1044, FAX: 847.770.4965
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

Email: [email protected]
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